I would probably self-identify as a female rural West Coast (of USA) Caucasian, but that wouldn't include, as labels often don't, my journey from a small monocultural mill town to a solo sabbatical in six countries (in '91). Now I'm on to the exciting sojourn of retirement (from full-time worklife five years ago). I love travel and art and aesthetics, as well as almost all cats and dogs I've met. This blog is just for fun and experimenting with the tools. It should be amusing...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Jack helps with the blogging & other useful info

This is our rambunctious blind teenager who runs the household. This morning he hopped up behind me, perhaps the better to hear hubby's fiddle practicing.

At Ronni Bennett's Elderblogger site, she has a feature asking bloggers to send a photo of the actual site of the journalers' cyber crimes.

Guess this will be mine until I can relocate back upstairs to my own computer in my office. But it's more fun and closer to the action down here!

The site I'm visiting in the photo is called "The Instructables" and is a rather hysterical listing of dozens of sorts of tongue-in-cheek and realistic inventions you can DIY, if you dare.

Hmmm..are blog titles underlined or in quotation marks!?! (Check with the helpful online grammar folks.)
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