I would probably self-identify as a female rural West Coast (of USA) Caucasian, but that wouldn't include, as labels often don't, my journey from a small monocultural mill town to a solo sabbatical in six countries (in '91). Now I'm on to the exciting sojourn of retirement (from full-time worklife five years ago). I love travel and art and aesthetics, as well as almost all cats and dogs I've met. This blog is just for fun and experimenting with the tools. It should be amusing...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now to fill in that background with complementary colors

My watercolor class is easier than my ceramics class, but the folks are fun in the clay room, and time will tell! One class follows and one leads into a pe class, which are also important shapers...(next lifetime, I'll order size svelte...)
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Blogger Mari Meehan said...

Gosh, is there really such a thing as a size svelte? Wow!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blogger ~Kathi said...

Why yes, size svelte is 2-4 sizes below what I'm in, anytime!! I seem to be wearing my Portland trip around my middle, and watching too much horrendous stuff on tv lately instead of being out running five miles a day (which will never happen at this rate, sigh...). And besides, it's too muhc fun to cook with all the harvest veggies and blackberry cobbler and Thai food and..... :(

Friday, September 19, 2008


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