Nearby Lake Siskiyou
Here are some winter shots of Lake Siskiyou, which offers great swimming in July! With the odd warm dry winter we're having, we've enjoyed going over to the lake just to sit on short beach chairs and put our faces in the sun. So far, only one real snowfall lets us know it's winter, but last year it was a St. Patrick's Day blizzard that buried us, so winter's far from over. How is it where you are?
Labels: Siskiyou County As We Like It
Cold finally. I was just writing about this today. It seems this mild winter has been on everyone's mind far and wide.
We need the hibernating cold it turns out as much as the summer sun.
I am counting on at least one snowed in blizzard...even if it does come on St Pat's Day
Monday, February 13, 2012
As I said on your nice blog, thanks! Though I'm a tropical gal at heart, I can enjoy being snowed in, now that we're retired. Come again!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Looks like paradise. I always thought the NorthWest was the best place to live in the USA. Not so sure now.
I'm impressed with your interest and notes about inter cultural exchanges. Kinda why I liked Obama and his book
And work in the poor neighborhoods of Chicago.
Your pictures and online personality remind me of your folks-;)
Dick Anderson in Washougal, WA
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tried to leave a post- not sure it worked...
Dick Anderson in Washougal, WA
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Intercultural has been my life--maybe from the diversity my parents sought out (Chinese interests, friends) and what life tossed me. I remember early days when our moms would take you and me and Chris to the show downtown. And boat rides down to some salmon cookout. And the boating yellow duckie contests....;)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Intercultural has been my life--maybe from the diversity my parents sought out (Chinese interests, friends) and what life tossed me. I remember early days when our moms would take you and me and Chris to the show downtown. And boat rides down to some salmon cookout. And the boating yellow duckie contests....;)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Intercultural has been my life--maybe from the diversity my parents sought out (Chinese interests, friends) and what life tossed me. I remember early days when our moms would take you and me and Chris to the show downtown. And boat rides down to some salmon cookout. And the boating yellow duckie contests....;)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
OOps-have no idea why the comment tripled itself. Your mom used to love to come over for the female energy she said. We had no idea how pampered and safe we were, compared to the real world, huh?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
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