Intercultural communication competence is a critical skill set which takes a a lifetime to hone. The intercultural perspective views the world as if culture counts, and it may be a very important factor in interactions between individuals. I believe it is also a structural frame upon which we might 'hang' the interesting diversity and uniqueness of each culture.
Therefore, we ought to learn, at minimum, as much as we can about the cultures of our neighbors, co-workers, customers, friends and even enemies so that we'll understand more about what is important to them, what is believed and valued, and what communication styles and roles play out in the dynamic interplay between participants in all the life of a culture. And very few are lived in isolation on the planet anymore...
There are many excellent lists of pertinent novels, authors and films depicting specific cultures; some are created by and appreciated by members of that culture. Others are not.
Whenever I find a culture-specific resource, I'll try to share it. Please do the same back! This one features the Korean American experience, in honor of Asian Pacific Heritage Month, which begins May 1.
(And here's to the May 1st peaceful demonstrations in support of immigrants in the United States. Si se puede indeed!)