I would probably self-identify as a female rural West Coast (of USA) Caucasian, but that wouldn't include, as labels often don't, my journey from a small monocultural mill town to a solo sabbatical in six countries (in '91). Now I'm on to the exciting sojourn of retirement (from full-time worklife five years ago). I love travel and art and aesthetics, as well as almost all cats and dogs I've met. This blog is just for fun and experimenting with the tools. It should be amusing...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Meanwhile, Jacky Surveys Sunday


Whatever the morning holds, sunshine or showers, Mr. Jack is ready to add his perspective. Today, some in the household are practicing the fiddle, while others are trying to make a recalcitrant bloggie behave. Jack takes it all in stride--maybe these rains-every-other-hour will chase a mousie into the garage!

If you're dropping by now and then, why not leave a comment for Jack and me? Let us know what you'd like to see or hear about as the seasons change. What are the season's surefire changers in your area?
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This Sketch?

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One of these Sketches Matches the Picture Below

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