I would probably self-identify as a female rural West Coast (of USA) Caucasian, but that wouldn't include, as labels often don't, my journey from a small monocultural mill town to a solo sabbatical in six countries (in '91). Now I'm on to the exciting sojourn of retirement (from full-time worklife five years ago). I love travel and art and aesthetics, as well as almost all cats and dogs I've met. This blog is just for fun and experimenting with the tools. It should be amusing...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pretty Stuff & My (blind) cat Jack

Jack enjoys wheat grass when snow and ice block his backyard playpen. We're all going to be stir crazy by May....

Romping Around the Region

The far northern end of Siskiyou County is a land of volcanoes, cattle ranches, small communities and sparkling rivers and lakes. We're mostly in the woods. It's fun to try to look at the familiar landscape, and catch something new. The smaller blue bridge is new, and goes over an inlet at Lake Siskiyou. The larger is the Sundial Bridge near Redding, CA. Is it easy to get into the outdoors where you are? Comments most welcome...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Buddies Get Together Over the End o' Year

We've been friends for decades. Retirement takes everyone in new directions, but now and then we meet for lunch in Mt. Shasta. A good thing to cherish, old friends!

The holidays come...and go

Our holidays were busy but fun. Michael's groups played a number of different venues. There were potlucks and music jams, New Year's Day dinner at the ranch. The little packages I made up were appreciated, and the bank account's not totally low...while the winter so far has been quite mild, snowwise, but quite cold, weatherwise.