I would probably self-identify as a female rural West Coast (of USA) Caucasian, but that wouldn't include, as labels often don't, my journey from a small monocultural mill town to a solo sabbatical in six countries (in '91). Now I'm on to the exciting sojourn of retirement (from full-time worklife five years ago). I love travel and art and aesthetics, as well as almost all cats and dogs I've met. This blog is just for fun and experimenting with the tools. It should be amusing...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yard Sale Daze...

Into each life fall a few yard or garage or junque sales...we hope this is our last, but four families joined in and at the end of the first twelve-hour day, we devolved into apple cake, white wine, and an impromptu fiddle and flute concert. Not a bad way to celebrate the end of summer. Especially when I can feel my feet again... =)
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Monday, September 22, 2008

Meanwhile, the main reasons I went to Ashland...

...to catsit for my friend.
Hey Greta you sweet ancient Siamese lady! Wake up that big lummox of a brother on his perch! Mr. Tux rolls over nicely for tummy pats and thunders through the house when someone rattles the kibble. You can see he doesn't miss many such rattles.

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Thistle Dreams....lotsa color for painters & other folk

Taking a painting class makes you see everything as a captivating canvas to color. To me, it deepens the appreciation of the lovely natural world in our region. Where do you go for natural inspiration? I'll try to link to a picture of yours, or put a link in your response!


Bridging Back to Order Here....


This is a side entrance bridge to lovely Lithia Park below the Shakeaspeare Festival grounds in Ashland. It's delightful as some other photos reveal (hopefully).
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Friday, September 19, 2008


Well, when your computer runs out of electric oomph, it's just the wrong time for your pictures to mess up, too. Apologies, folks.

My next teensy cybertale was unfortunately abbreviated temporarily by the lack of my computer charging device, but I'd like to report it's very nice up here in Ashland this weekend. Magnificent Indian summer day brewing up, too, though some high chouds are rolling in on the suddenly autumnal breezes.

I'm in the library trying to look up pottery glaze recipes at the moment, and to inform you I didn't have too much to drink, but my Fixit capabilities are halted on the old bloggie a este momento. Lo siento. (I'm sorry.)

Think I'll stroll over to the Ceramics Department, though school doesn't open their fall quarter until Monday, and see what inspiration I can scare up! Southern Oregon University is a great little school in a magical Shakespearian festival town, all about an hour north from our woodsy home in far northern CA.

Will fix this discombobulation when I'm home in a few days. Wait'll you see the field of thistles pix! Putting pictures side by side or staggered in a post is a challenge with Blogger.com--anyone out there a wizard who can help?

Sigh...meanwhile, do you know where your stocks are!?!?! Your money (haha) market? ~KWW


Watercolor buddies and north to Oregon via Yreka, CA

And now, we're going back to Ashland to catsit for my friend. Here's some shots from the short ride up to that pleasant little city:


Ceramics Buddies

My friend's beautiful grandaughter is doing well in ceramics class. Hey, Cathryn--you're a bright energetic spot in the lab!
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now to fill in that background with complementary colors

My watercolor class is easier than my ceramics class, but the folks are fun in the clay room, and time will tell! One class follows and one leads into a pe class, which are also important shapers...(next lifetime, I'll order size svelte...)
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Meanwhile, inside at the art table

Momcat works on her first watercolor for class.
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Thanks Jack for your little story!


Even if he's blind, Jack sees with his big heart. What a character. Share about one of your favorite pets in the comment section, if you like.
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Jack's Tale End 5


When I, the royal Jack, sit on the backdoor steps, this is the view towards the garden. Note the beans are trying to escape, just like I do! But in Indian summer, who wants to go far when it's so lovely here??

Thanks for listening to my meandering tale from a cat's eye...
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Jack, tale 4

Auntie Wilma is looking across toward the garden. Just behind her in the background is my escape route when I get outside on the back deck without my harness. I can get quite aways into the orchard before one of my people catches me! What fun to explore everywhere!
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Jack Tales, 3

My folks brought back this nice shot of Obama llama and friend. I support most wholeheartedly the Progresive Democratic ticket, for people and the animal world!
Go out there and make it happen with peace and love in all our hearts. (Jack can even be romantic after 18+ hours of active play all day, when he runs down a bit.)

Heidi, the St. Bernard sister of this blogger, was a hellraiser, too, in her younger years. She'd tear aroung the circle that bisected our living room, sliding like crazy on the kitchen floor while her nails rat-a-tatted a scratchy hope for grip...yarping all the way.

What do your pets do that's hysterical?


My Auntie Wilma thinks mid-September is a good time for a purr-giggle...before the cold sets in again and ruffles her soft fur. Helpful, empathetic thoughts to the people challenged by Ike, and the other hurricanes. Easier to take, though, than the political storms of late, I'd say. (Jack is a very hep cat.)


Jack's Tale, 2

Wilma's feeling frisky around my home this fine Indian summer day, where the mornings are cool, but the afternoons get comfortably hot by 5:00 pm, my dinnertime. Actually, I eat whenever I come in from my Jackyard, to grab a snack and see what's up. The weird trick that most perplexes them is when I deposit my soggy toys into my food dish, for my own secret cat reasons--Aunt Wilma is slightly intrigued, too--(food dish viewing spared for delicacy's sake...)


Jack's Going to Tell You a Story....

Jack wants to tell you his latest tale. Let's have him meow it in the first person, though Jack actually ch-ch-chirps to communicate. (Bear with our silliness, por favor.)

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Meanwhile, back at home


Jack the (blind) Man enjoys another exploratory leashwalk on the deck. This boy is really an extraordinary pet, and I'm so glad I rescued him on the Oregon coast two summers ago. He navigates by some sort of radar/sonar, and rarely runs into something unless it's in the direct path of one of his innumerable routes around the house.

Whether having a huge St. Bernard canine for a sister, back in the Fifties, prepared me to love animals so much, or whether it's the specialness and delight of the animals I meet, I love 'em. What was your favorite pet, and how did it shape your life?
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More Portland Area Pix


Some of our favorite Grant's Pass Motel Views

These are some shots from the Motel Del Rogue, where we always try to stop headed north or south. Right on the Rogue River, this small friendly spot belonging to Kevin and Constance and Sylvia Marr is peaceful, gorgeous and a springboard to exploring the area's many fun activities. We love it there in all four seasons; you will, too if you're ever near Grant's Pass OR!


Portland Pussies

These two are related and rule the roost in NE Portland.
